A former petrol station and car wash can continue operating as a convenience store - despite objections concerning parking.
A school building which is no longer needed for lessons cannot be converted into homes a planning inspector has ruled.
A couple are launching a new personalised gift shop, inspired by their wedding.
The King’s Head is a very cool place.
Plans for a long mooted housing development went on display today with dozens of residents going along to find out more.
A leading county councillor has said the Government’s decision to pass two large scale solar farms is a ‘slap in the face for Lincolnshire’.
A district council has made steps towards tackling homelessness in the county by approving new accommodation pods.
A controversial Lincolnshire solar farm which could power 144,000 homes has been given the green light by the government.
A car park, which led to a war of words between a developer and the council, remains on the market six months after its closure.
A knife-wielding robber who threatened Post Office staff before jumping over the counter and taking £1000 has been jailed for more than eight years.
The Government has given the go-ahead for a large-scale solar farm in the Lincolnshire countryside.
A man has been jailed for eight years after after he was found guilty of sexual assault.
Plans have been submitted for the next stage of a major housing development.