A town council is stepping up security measures outside one of its buildings as the tenant feels unsafe due to nearby drug dealing.
Reform is looking to attract independent councillors to join its party as part of a plan to make major inroads in this area in May.
A major road will be closed overnight for about two months for roadworks.
Residents are being urged to have their say on the future of an old hospital building.
A course record unbroken for more than a decade was smashed at this year’s St Valentine’s 30k in Stamford.
A council has refused planning permission for a gypsy caravan site.
An application for more than 60 homes on the edge of a village in the east of Rutland is being recommended for approval by planning officers.
A man who went through a “very bad year” has been handed a disqualification after being caught drug-driving.
Some of the crafty ways criminals attempt to hide illicit tobacco and vape products have been revealed.
Can you help police identify this man?
A town landmark, known for its beautiful gardens and hidden treasures, has given visitors a sneak peak behind some of its closed doors.
Road safety experts have rejected claims that the position of a new bus stop is putting homeowners at risk.
As discussions continue over local government reorganisation, readers have their say in our letters.