A bid has been launched to ensure that a council gets its fair share of £10million worth of business rates from two major energy projects.
Council leaders are waiting to find out how much additional cash will be coming their way to fund the Internal Drainage Boards.
Shoplifting is now at a record level but nothing will make a dent in until the root causes are sorted says a former town sergeant.
A police inspector has been praised for his empathy and understanding in helping to negotiate the end of a protracted siege.
Work is progressing on major changes to a roundabout as part of a wider £20million improvement project for the A16.
A sink hole which resulted in a town street being closed was caused by a burst water main.
A town charity is helping pre-school children to learn how to read and make music.
A children’s group which makes a big difference to families have been given a boost by tractor enthusiasts.
A frustrated community leader says his town cannot afford to wait another year for a much-needed £20 million investment to turn around its fortunes.
Doctors’ receptionists ask a lot of questions to ensure that you receive the right care, according to two GPs.
Grant money could be secured to improve the town’s historic appearance if an ‘eye-catching’ proposal was put together.
A live music walk will mark the end of a £250,000 project to celebrate the town’s riverside.
Shoppers were able to meet the farmers who produce their food during an event over the weekend.
Villagers will soon be able to fully enjoy Moulton Park now the site has been purchased by a charitable foundation.
Police were called to another crash close to a notorious crossroads earlier today.
Police were called to a crash near a primary school.
The elected figurehead of our police force has vowed not to resign — after residents laid blame at his door for the potential loss of 200 officers.
The Greater Lincolnshire Combined Authority has now been officially formed - three months away from the election of the first county mayor.
A motorist was taken to hospital with serious injuries after a crash.
Fears have been raised over the future of a town playing field - which had generated no income over the last financial year.