Police have now named the woman whose body was found by officers at a property in Spalding earlier this week.
A main town route has been shut for the third time in three months -creating further nightmares for motorists.
A council leader has stressed that Spalding has a low crime rate and remains a safe place to live following a second suspected murder in the town.
Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones has reassured residents that the county is a safe place after a second suspected murder.
A water company hopes that a village junction will reopen shortly.
A casualty was cut free after a crash on a village road.
A woman’s body has been found and a man has been arrested for murder.
A council leader says an action plan is in place to tackle the environmental and anti-social behaviour issues seen in a dark alley way.
Street drinking is a regular concern raised by shoppers - but police are working with partners to look at ways to sort out the problem and its causes.
Work has finally started to repair an historic pub nearly a year after it was damaged in a crash.
Police are treating the death of a man whose body was found in a dyke as ‘unexplained’.
Police have towed away and seized a suspected hare coursers’ car.
Tackling anti-social behaviour and street drinking is an important priority for the area’s police inspector - but he says he needs the public’s help.
Work on a series of controversial planters has been completed in time for the start of the festive celebrations.
The air ambulance was called to a rural road after a cyclist suffered a medical episode.
Gridlock has been reported on the A16 this morning.
A loose emu which has been living in the Lincolnshire countryside has now been captured.
Repairs to a burst water main will result in a village road until the middle of next week.
A new store has opened its doors at a popular shopping centre earlier today.
Critics of controversial new town centre planters have been told that they are just the starting point for a wider revamp.