A food manufacturing giant says it has ‘paused’ demolition work after being refused planning permission to demolish a factory.
The embattled Environment Agency has defended the decision to close a pumping station following criticism in light of devastating floods.
A drainage board is launching a bid to have computer modelling which resulted in the closure of a pumping station over turned to prevent flooding.
Plans to transform an ageing leisure centre into a modern health and wellbeing hub could finally be getting the green light.
A secondary school is planning to re-open tomorrow after being assured that works to fix an electrical issue will be completed today.
Campaigners are calling for a 20mph limit to be imposed on a number of town roads to make ‘journeys safer’.
The flooding could have prevented if a pumping station had not been decommissioned says the chief executive of an internal drainage board.
The Environment Agency has confirmed that flood gates at Surfleet Reservoir have been open to help discharge water after yesterday’s torrential rain.
Three sets of temporary traffic lights were installed in a village centre to repair a manhole.
Will 2025 be the year that a derelict pub site is finally transformed or will we be left with a ‘blot on the landscape forever’?
Health bosses say a proposed extra care housing facility will place ‘additional demands’ on the town’s GP surgeries.
‘Yards’ could be reappearing on our streets after councillors called for this historic prefix to be included in the list of approved names for roads.
A stretch of busy road will be shut for repairs later this month.
Struggling families could be getting more help with their council tax payments thanks to a new scheme.
Police have reported ‘serial perpetrators’ and seized alcohol while patrolling the town centre.
Workers at another South Holland factory will be walking out in a dispute over pay.
Nearly £10,000 has been raised to support a family who have lost everything following a devastating house fire over New Year.
Health bosses say they are helping town GP practices to use funding to ‘develop their sites’ - after a cramped surgery put out an appeal for help.
Council officials have put out a warning about a fallen tree at a popular nature reserve.
A £26million project to transform an ageing leisure centre into a health and wellbeing hub have been recommended for approval.