Police have issued a picture of a man they wish to speak to in connection with an assault of a shopworker.
A councillor says he is going to demand answers from Network Rail after the town was gridlocked once again.
Police are investigating three incidents which happened within an hour-and-a-half - including a boy being threatened with a knife.
A car has been recovered from a water filled dyke.
Council bosses are hoping to soon start work on the second phase of a food hub - if a bid to demolish an empty farmhouse is given the green light.
Council officials say they will be looking to do something with garage plots next year - after concerns were raised about one site.
Volunteers for a number of good causes were raising money during this weekend’s markets.
Lincolnshire needs £400million to get its roads in a good condition says the county’s highways chief.
A calendar to showcase stunning South Holland is now on sale.
The number of people sleeping rough in our area has increased but the availability of suitable housing is the main hurdle stopping them getting help.
Elves and Santas were seen dashing around the town during a special fun run to raise money for a good cause.
Council bosses have fined two landlords a total of £65,000 over safety beaches.
Police are asking motorists to avoid a busy road following a crash.
Plans are being devised to make the most of a town theatre ‘without wasting tax payers money’, say council bosses.
A bulb grower has been granted a Royal Warrant.
Health bosses are appealing for patients to get vaccinated before Christmas - as a number of people are being treated in the county for flu.
A treadmill was raffled off during a festive fair which raised more than £2,000 for a primary school.
The coroner has adjourned the inquest into the death of a mother who was murdered in her home.
A builder is looking to remove its affordable homes and financial contributions, claiming it is set to lose more than a million pounds on the scheme.
A former South Holland District Council chairman is hoping to represent Reform UK in next year’s county elections.