Households could face another significant rise in their council tax bills next year unless a deal can be struck to fund our vital drainage boards.
An arts group which has created a number of statues is calling people to give the projects a chance so the town can ‘rediscover itself’.
Hearings will be held on a number of key aspects of a major offshore windfarm development - which will include a substation in this area.
Council bosses have been urged to follow the example of a nearby town which has massively increased its number of market traders.
A town got into the Christmas spirit with a ‘bigger and better’ celebration than before.
Fitness classes will be moving during a £26million transformation of a leisure centre - but pressure is going to meet concerned firms and clubs.
Councillors will learn more about what could be happening with our bin collections during a briefing in the new year.
A district is missing out on a share of nearly £10 million in business rates from national energy projects due to ‘ancient unfair’ regulation.
The community came together to mark the start of the festive season during a successful Christmas Fayre.
A farmer has been elected the first chairman of the county’s new agriculture and horticulture forum.
Christmas tea parts and festive lights are all part of the fun being organised in one village.
Fears that an accident could happen as more people try to cross a major road has sparked calls for the speed limit to be cut.
A council leader has been told to look at the positive example of Stamford to learn some lessons in boosting the fortunes of his area.
An agri-food hub will make a ‘real and positive’ difference to the future of a town, says a council leader.
Council land could be rented out for ‘battery boxes’ if bosses give the green light.
A Gedney Marsh farmer was among the speakers who spoke at a business conference about innovation.
Council tax bills could be rising next year following a Government decision to axe a £9million grant.
Frustrated councillors who are fed-up with the ‘unacceptable’ heavy traffic are calling on companies to look at alternative routes.
The decision on the future of the district’s bin collections has been delayed.
Anglian Water has confirmed that a key town route will be closed for the best part of two weeks.