Billingborough Primary granted planning permission for anti-climb fence after children escape
A village school has put up high fences after children escaped, raising safety concerns.
Billingborough Primary School has been granted retrospective planning permission for a 2.4m-high anti-climb fence with a pedestrian gate by South Kesteven District Council.
In a report, headteacher Tom Thorpe raised the ‘significant health and safety risk’ posed by the low wall and railings, which allowed children to climb over and abscond, and for the public to access the site.
He raised concerns about security locks on three gates.
“In the past, there have been incidents where children have successfully scaled the fence and absconded, leading to one child being permanently excluded from the school,” he said.
He noted that a Lincolnshire County Council health and safety report raised concerns that children could leave the site and access the main road and recommended obtaining quotes to address the issue.
He said the fence ‘successfully resolved’ the issue, and an electric gate with intercom had further enhanced security.
“These comprehensive measures have significantly improved the safety and well-being of the children and staff at Billingborough Primary School,” he said.
Officers approved the application, stating the fence had minor visual impact on the listed building’s setting, outweighed by the public benefit of improved safeguarding.