Have your say on car parking in Bingham Town Centre
Residents will get to have their say on car parking in a town centre.
Surveys will be sent out to gather information about on and off street car parking in Bingham Town Centre.
The survey focuses on which parts of the town and surrounding areas visitors arrive from, the purpose and frequency of their visits, their mode of transport, length of stay and usual locations to park.
Councillor Neil Clarke, Nottinghamshire County Council’s cabinet member for Transport and Environment, said: “I am pleased that the Strategy Group have been able to build on the work of RBC and BTC's partnership working on the long stay car park to move the surveys forward.
“The surveys will be important for providing data to consider changes that could be made within the existing town centre car parks to improve capacity.
“It will also feed into the development of a business case for a possible long stay car park.
“We will continue to regularly meet as a group and assess other short-term solutions which could become longer-term solutions if successful.”
The survey also seeks answers on what would encourage people to use alternative transport methods.
Three day-long additional in-person surveys with car park users began on November 8, with local businesses being contacted directly for their thoughts.
The survey follows the Bingham Car Parking Strategy Group meeting last month to discuss action on car parking.
To participate in the survey, go to https://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/binghamparking.
The group will use survey responses to inform short and long-term solutions and it will also guide future discussions at meetings.
Data will feed into the development of a business case for a possible long stay car park.
Members of the strategy group include Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Councillor Rob Inglis, ward members for Bingham, Mayor Councillor Rowan Bird from Bingham Town Council and RBC Leader and Nottinghamshire County Council’s cabinet member for transport and environment Coun Neil Clarke.