Sudbrook Moor Golf Club round-up
Peter Stoneman is notching up the trophy wins since he joined the membership at Sudbrook Moor and became part of the senior competition scene.
He has now added the credit of the Senior Christmas Trophy to the list.
Out with two carefully selected clubs from his bag, plus the obligatory putter, Peter was part of the Thursday field of 45 celebrating the three-club Christmas Trophy.
Peter used his long experience to negotiate the course and the challenge and, leaving the 11 clubs at home, found that the versatility of three can create a very decent scorecard of 36 points, which revealed that he had scored on all 18 holes.
Results: 1 Peter Stoneman 36, 2 Paul Johnson 35, 3 Tony Bell, Bob Watson, John Aspland, Paul McCarthy 33; Division Two - John Morley, Stuart Minter, Yvonne Geach and Dick Marshall, all on 31. Best front nine prize on a six hole countback - John Aspland 16; best back nine prize - Frank Brumpton 18.
The two's sweep was shared seven ways by Richard Cocks, Gerry Dunphy and Paul McCarthy (third hole), Tony Bell and Paul McCarthy (seventh hole), Ian Batty and Neil Stokes (12th), all adding to the running Winter Eclectic which is three months into its six month season and headed by Batty, a recent eclectic trophy winner whose handicap index is two.