Head chef at The Crown Hotel in Holbeach, is wishing luck to anyone looking to confront the 3.2kg cottage pie
Do you think you could take on this new hefty food challenge – which also requires you to eat all of your vegetables?
The Crown Hotel in Holbeach has recently announced its next mighty challenge for customers to try and devour.
Head chef Samantha Lewis is wishing luck to anyone attempting to finish the 3.2kg cottage pie within a 30 minute time frame.
While working their way through the 1kg of meat which goes into the dish, participants will also be required to finish two side dishes of broccoli, peas and carrots.
The pub has previously hosted two other food challenges which included the eight-inch biscoff cheesecake, to be completed in 10 minutes and a burger challenge, which was made up of three homemade beef burgers, three chicken burgers, a stack of onion rings and cheesy chips, to be completed in 25 minutes.
Samantha said: “We have had one person come and give it a go already and they gave up after 20 minutes. After our cheescake challenge was completed by Craig Relton on June, 9, with one second to spare, we thought we had better bring out another one.
“I think this one might be the easiest one, out of the cheesecake and burger challenge, but I haven’t tried it myself and there is quite a lot of gravy.
“We thought we’d do something different and I haven’t seen this before. I was making cottage pie the other day and just thought, this would make a good challenge.
“We’re very excited for people to come and give it a go but if anyone is thinking of doing it, good luck.”
The challenge costs £30, however if you finish everything within the 30 minute time frame, it will be free. There is also a 10 minute cool down period.
If you are interested in taking part, make sure to pre-order by calling the pub on 01406 423941.
Could you take on this challenge?