The maximum rate of support, however, is expected to be reduced.
Restrictions on public gatherings mean the traditional event cannot take place.
Dean Vine’s employer Thames Water is now matching the £1,700 he has spent.
Nightingale pioneered many of the practices carried out today, such as maintaining good hygiene and regularly washing hands.
There will be no milestone dates in the phased blueprint, with progress instead triggered by meeting certain scientific and public health criteria.
The easing of lockdown – and the new rules – lead most of Tuesday’s papers.
Timothy Brehmer is due at Poole Magistrates’ Court.
Boris Johnson has said he does not expect a ‘flood’ of people returning to work following easing of the lockdown.
Andy Williams, from Guildford, hopes that people will post blue hearts in their windows in support of NHS workers.
On Sunday, Emmanuel Macron unveiled the ‘sauvez des vies, restez prudents’ tagline
‘The public support throughout this pandemic has been absolutely fantastic’.
The UK is at a forefront of developing a vaccine, the Prime Minister said.
The PM says the Government is taking ‘baby steps’ as it sets out its ‘road map’ for lifting the lockdown
A senior World Health Organisation official warned countries to ‘keep their eyes open’.
The duke appeared on the BBC’s The One Show on Monday.
Schools should also consider introducing one-way circulation, or placing a divider down the middle of the corridor, to keep young people apart.
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has outlined five elements to help businesses get back to work.