East Lindsey District Council gives new accommodation pods the green light in bid to tackle homelessness in Skegness
A district council has made steps towards tackling homelessness in the county by approving new accommodation pods for a town.
East Lindsey District Council has given four new temporary housing pods the go-ahead in Skegness to provide “safe and secure” spaces for vulnerable people.
Each sleeping pod will come with a bed, a chemical toilet, and charging facilities and is designed to help those with complex needs who have been sleeping on the streets making hostel-style spaces unsuitable for them.
Coun William Gray, portfolio holder for communities and ageing better, said: "This approval is a testament to our commitment to improving housing options for our community.
“These pods will offer safe and secure accommodation for individuals who are facing housing challenges."
Although an exact instalment place and date have not been confirmed, the council says works are expected to start shortly.
This initiative is seen as a pilot project and if it proves successful, may have the potential for expansion.
Coun Sarah Devereux, portfolio holder for partnerships, added: "The introduction of these accommodation pods is a vital step in our mission to support our homeless community.
“These pods provide immediate shelter, warmth, and safety, while we work with individuals to find more permanent solutions. We are committed to ensuring that everyone has access to safe and dignified living conditions."
What do you think? Should the idea be rolled out across the county? Let us know your views in the comments below…