Area in Deeping St Nicholas crime free for 34 weeks after setting up neighbourhood watch scheme
An area can boast being crime free for 34 weeks – thanks to a successful Neighbourhood Watch group.
Community spirit is prevailing in Deeping St Nicholas after the scheme got underway last year.
“I set up the Neighbourhood Watch in November and we've been crime free since,” explained parish councillor Robert Jarvis.
“We’re completely crime free. No thefts of copper, cars, petrol, diesel, nothing.
“Its been amazing and the public response has been fantastic.”
The operation currently covers the area around Coronation Avenue, Chappell Road, New Road, Wren Close, Haywain Drive and St Nicholas’ Park, but Coun Jarvis would love to extend it across the parish.
“I want to run it out throughout all off Deeping St Nicholas’, we’re looking for co-ordinators etc,” he continued.
“There’s been a good response so far.”
Coun Jarvis explained it took just 10 minutes to register and area for the scheme and a further six weeks to get it up and running.
A donation to the parish council from South Holland district councillor Nigel Pepper’s budget helped get the ball rolling as it funded stickers and signs warning wannabe thieves that the community was looking.
The Deeping St Nicholas team are also keen to make themselves seen with co-ordinators wearing hi-vis tops and lanyards spreading the word to residents and checking up on them.
Local youngsters even gave up their time to help with leafletting.
“It’s all about building that community spirit,” Coun Jarvis added.
“They’re very simple to set up, if anyone’s thinking about it.”