“One last chance!” Samuel Smith Old Brewery told to clear up empty 16th-century Spalding pub labelled a ’fire hazard’
A brewery has been given ‘one last chance’ to tidy up an empty town centre pub.
For hundreds of years Spalding’s Ye Olde White Horse was a popular watering hole, even being labelled ‘iconic’ due to its stand-out appearance which included brilliant white walls and an eyecatching thatched roof.
But the 16th century Churchgate hostelry has fallen into disrepair since landlords last called time four years ago.
South Holland District Council leader Nick Worth wants the eyesore to be cleared up, and has contacted Yorkshire-based Samuel Smith Old Brewery, who own the venue.
“I have written a letter on behalf of the council to Samuel Smith Brewery stating that we have tried to contact them on a number of occasions and we have actually been successful about a year ago, but we are still emphasising the fact they have broken windows and potential fire hazards in there,” Coun Worth announced at last Wednesday’s full council meeting.
“We’re giving them, basically, one last chance to come back to us.
“We are then telling them we’ll consider doing a section 215 notice requiring them to tidy up their premises if they don’t do it voluntarily.”
A section 215 notice allows authorities to demand the tidying up of a site deemed harmful to the area.
Samuel Smith Old Brewery have been advertising for tenants for more than a year but it is company policy to hire a couple to oversee bar and kitchen duties.
One reader contacted this paper to say they were keen to take on the premises, but their request to hire a chef was turned down.
“I am aware they are advertising for a couple to take on the White Horse, and that runs out at the end of September, so I’m hoping somebody might have put their names forward,” Coun Worth added.
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