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Residents invited to free Christmas party in Spalding

Members of the public are being invited to a free Christmas knees-up.

The party is being staged at Spalding’s Woodlands Hotel, with the invitation offered to resident’s who live in the town’s St Paul’s and Castle wards.

“Christmas is a special time of year and we are delighted that by working in partnership with Gan from the Woodlands Hotel, we are in a fortunate position to be able to offer this event,” said Coun Gary Taylor, who is hosting the festive party with Coun Glynic Scalese.

Couns Glynis Scalese (left) and Gary Taylor (right) are hosting the party
Couns Glynis Scalese (left) and Gary Taylor (right) are hosting the party

The event - which will take place on December 19 from 6pm - include music and a charity raffle.

The beneficiaries of the charity raffle will be decided on the night by a vote.

However, places are limited so anyone interested is asked to book.

Anyone wishing to attend the event at the Pinchbeck Road hotel or who is keen to donate a raffle prize can contact Coun Taylor on 0785 007 7117 or emailing garytaylor@southholland.gov.uk or Coun Scalese on 07906 641 384 or via glynis.scalese@sholland.gov.uk.

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