Holbeach school entrance to be blocked for two weeks by puffin crossing installation works
Roadworks are expected to be blocking the entrance to a primary school for the next two weeks.
Lincolnshire County Council is currently installing a puffin crossing close to the William Stukeley Primary School in Holbeach as part of a £3.8 million improvement scheme.
However, concerns have been raised by some parents that the entrance road to the school, which is off Spalding Road, is currently blocked due to the installation works.
Karen Cassar, assistant director for highways, said: "We had originally expected to start these works in mid-August to have them finished before school returned, but a delay to one of our other pedestrian crossing projects meant we had to start this crossing later than planned.
"The traffic management outside the school is essential as these works are taking place at the front of the school and it wouldn't be safe for pedestrians or vehicles to use the access off Spalding Road. However, access to the school is still available to its side via the road adjacent to Stukeley Hall Drive.
"We expect to have the traffic management that is blocking the main school entrance removed in two weeks' time, ahead of the contractor laying the final road surfacing overnight at the end of the month."