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Central German Shepherd Rescue, Holbeach Fen, hold tenth annual fundraising event at Birchgrove Garden Centre, Pinchbeck

Tails were wagging at a fun dog show that took place in a garden centre — raising £1,008 for an animal rescue charity.

Central German Shepherd Rescue, based at Holbeach Fen, held its tenth annual event at Birchgrove Garden Centre in Pinchbeck.

Animal lovers could take any breed of dog along to win trophies and rosettes all in aid of a good cause as the charity looks out for new adopters.

Jean Sutton with Bazil and Harry who was the golden oldie winner. PHOTO: CHRIS LOWNDES
Jean Sutton with Bazil and Harry who was the golden oldie winner. PHOTO: CHRIS LOWNDES

Trustee Bev Rowe said: “Every year we hold the show at Birchgrove, which is total chaos but fun.

“It was a cracking day and every single penny goes to the dogs as our volunteers are all unpaid and do this in their spare time.

“We had a very good turn out.”

Lucas Clark with winning puppy Norbert
Lucas Clark with winning puppy Norbert

The small charity was started in 2014 and offers support to dogs from Spalding, Donington, Quadring and Pinchbeck and other areas.

Mrs Rowe said: “We mainly rescue German Shepherds from stray pounds or owner hand-ins.

“Some may have suffered abuse and neglect.

Edward, 6, and Violet ,3, with mum Nataiie and pet Bandit
Edward, 6, and Violet ,3, with mum Nataiie and pet Bandit

“We rehabilitate them and then look for adoptive homes or forever foster places.”

Mrs Rowe has a passion for rescue dogs since owning a dog with special needs and she started fostering for the charity.

“We offer specialist care but they need a home as well.

Mel Ronan with Dennie and Winnie
Mel Ronan with Dennie and Winnie

“A lot of our adopters come back to the show from all over the country and it gives us a good chance to catch up with the dogs and their owners.”

On the day dogs were judged in different classes such as handsome dog to waggiest tail.

Golden oldie was won by Harry whose owner is Jean Sutton while Lucas Clark won best puppy with four-legged friend Norbert.

However, older dogs are in need of placements when they reach the rescue centre.

Mrs Rowe said: “We get a lot of foster dogs who may need palliative care or have behavioural issues.

“We like to give a bit back to the local community and put on the day for them.

“It is a good day and we try to raise a few pounds for the rescue but also a lot of awareness.”

Covid-19 and cost of living crisis saw a surge in rescue dogs needing to be rehomed.

Mrs Rowe said: “The pandemic created issues for animals.

“The economic climate means people can't afford animals.

“They are expensive with insurance, running costs, food and things like that.”

Weather conditions didn’t put too many people off from attending and owners could bring their pups to introduce them to a show environment, have fun or ask for support and advice.

The centre is always looking for volunteers to help with the event.

Mrs Rowe added: “We are always looking for volunteers.

“We are desperate for them as these dogs are taking a long time to rehabilitate and train.

“You don't even have to have a dog - just a few hours a week volunteering would be great.”

For further information visit www.cgsr.co.uk or email info@cgsr.co.uk

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