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“We’re going ahead!” Newly-formed committee want to save Spalding Flower Parade… and £50,000 fundraiser is set up

A committee determined to secure the future of the Spalding Flower Parade say the show must go on.

Tens of thousands of revellers headed into town for the eyecatching event earlier this month, which saw a stunning caravan of floats, classic cars and marching bands wow the crowds.

But the parade’s future was left in doubt on Friday when Stephen Timewell - who brought back the event in 2023 after a 10-year absence - said he was taking a step back from organising, making an announcement on the parade’s Facebook page.

Crowds lined New Road in a bid to see the floats. Photo: Chris Lowndes
Crowds lined New Road in a bid to see the floats. Photo: Chris Lowndes

After hearing the news a team of dedicated parade enthusiasts and volunteers decided to meet that night and create a committee to oversee the running of the 2025 show.

They have also launched a fundraising page aiming to bring in £50,000 to help with costs.

“We’re going ahead,” one committee member said.

Showman Stephen Timewell revels in the fun of the 2024 Spalding Flower Parade. Photo: Victoria Fear
Showman Stephen Timewell revels in the fun of the 2024 Spalding Flower Parade. Photo: Victoria Fear

“Everybody at the meeting decided they wanted to go ahead.

“My personal opinion, and many others said the same, once you lose it it’s very hard to bring it back again.

"Stephen’s quite happy for us to take it on and we’ll see what we can do.”

Shrek was entered by TESS CIC
Shrek was entered by TESS CIC

The 20-strong committee, which will make their decisions democratically, are now tasked with finding a base for next year’s parade.

The Castle Sports Complex has hosted the floats in recent years, but may be unavailable if work on its £26 million makeover is underway.

South Holland District Council leader Coun Nick Worth has put forward Spalding Grammar School’s land off St Thomas’ Road and the Monkshouse Playing Field as potential options, but things remain up in the air.

Spectators await in the arrival of Spalding Flower Parade in the town centre
Spectators await in the arrival of Spalding Flower Parade in the town centre

“We need to find a location, that’s the main thing,” the committee member said.

“Also, the one thing we are really short on is volunteers. we could do with another 20. The more people who come forward the easier it is.”

Current Flower Queen Becs Roberts made an impassioned plea to save the parade on social media.

Spalding Flower Queen Becs Roberts with husband Terry Payne at the end of the parade. Photo: Jenny Beake
Spalding Flower Queen Becs Roberts with husband Terry Payne at the end of the parade. Photo: Jenny Beake

“It really has rocked our world, the news,” said Becs, who added she and volunteers were made aware of Mr Timewell’s decision ‘five minutes before’ his announcement.

“But the key thing from it is ‘do we want to continue on until 2025?’.

“We would very much like there to be a 2025 parade. I’m, not making any promises, there are some massive obstacles to overcome.”

She also added that organisers are hoping for council support because the event has ‘become such a big beast it’s simply just not possible for volunteers alone to run it’.

The committee’s Just Giving page aims to raise £50,000 to help fund the event. You can donate at www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/spaldingflowerparade2025.

Anyone wishing to volunteer can contact the committee vial the Spalding Flower Parade CIC Facebook page.

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