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‘Welcoming and caring’ University Academy Long Sutton told it still requires improvement

A ‘welcoming and caring school’ that has made great improvements regarding pupils’ behaviour has been told it still requires improvement.

However, University Academy Long Sutton principal Liam Davé welcomed the findings of its latest Ofsted report, and believes the school is on track to reach a good rating.

While inspectors said the ‘curriculum is not always delivered consistently’ it did highlight a number of positive steps forward to aid pupil wellbeing.

University Acdemy Long Sutton. Photo: Google Maps
University Acdemy Long Sutton. Photo: Google Maps

“We are thrilled to see the hard work and commitment of our staff, governors, and pupils recognised in the recent inspection,” Mr Dave said.

“The positive grades in key areas reflect our collective effort as a school community and trust to create an environment conducive to academic and personal development.”

Ofsted inspectors rated University Academy Long Sutton as good in a number of categories – and highlighted the work being done to make pupils feel safe.

A report published last Wednesday (November 15) said: “University Academy Long Sutton is a welcoming and caring school.

“The school has improved in many areas. Pupils appreciate these improvements, particularly how behaviour has got better.

“However, the curriculum is not always delivered consistently well.”

The report highlighted that the ‘pupils say that the school accepts them for who they are’ and that they ‘feel safe in school’.

“They say that bullying is rare. If it does happen, they are confident that staff would resolve any issues quickly,” the report continued.

“Most pupils are polite and well-mannered. Lessons are calm and orderly. There are positive relationships between staff and pupils.”

Inspectors added that the ‘school plans well for pupils’ wider development’ and that ‘super learning days’ are held three times a year, which help pupils learn about different careers.”

Highlighting how the school can improve, the report added: “There is an ambitious and well-planned curriculum in place for most subjects.

“However, in some subjects it is not always clear what key knowledge pupils should learn and in what order. This means pupils do not always build on what they have previously learned.

“As a result, in some subjects, pupils do not learn as well as they could.

“Most teachers have good subject knowledge. They present information clearly and check pupils’ understanding well. This is not done consistently well by all teachers. In some lessons, teachers do not check pupils’ understanding carefully enough.

“This means that teachers are not always clear about the gaps in learning and the misconceptions that pupils may have. Therefore, some pupils do not achieve as well as they could, as these gaps in learning are not addressed.”

University Academy Long Sutton has 716 pupils aged between 11 and 16 on roll.

The quality of education was rated requires improvement, but the school was rated good for its behaviour and attitudes, personal development and management.

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