65-year-old gold wedding ring lost in Stamford
The search is on for a wedding ring belonging to a woman who has been married for 65 years.
Lost in Stamford during a day trip, the ring is made up of distinctive yellow and white gold bands.
Daphne, who is 87, her husband and her daughter Sharon Lavis, arrived in Stamford on Friday last week by coach, before heading down the slope into Sheep Market, and to the toilets in Red Lion Square.
Daphne realised she lost the ring shortly afterwards.
Sharon, who has impaired vision, said she is unsure of the name or exact location of the café they went into, but that she remembers it had a green colour scheme.
Her mum, not wanting to spoil their day out, only mentioned she had lost the ring when they had returned home to the village of Welwyn in Hertfordshire.
Sharon said: “I’ve been in touch with police to see if it’s been handed in, and I have spoken with Gary from the council who looks after the market.
“I’ve also spoken to the coach firm, Richmond, to see if it was lost on the way there.
“It means so much to mum and dad - to them it’s priceless.”
Anyone who has found the ring can hand it in to news editor Suzanne Moon at the Rutland and Stamford Mercury office in Cherryholt Road, Stamford, or call Sharon on 01438 814377 to arrange its return.
“I’d be so grateful,” she said.