Letter writers from Stamford and Rutland share their views
Readers have had plenty to say on what’s in the news.
Here we share some of the letters, emails and comments that have come in over the weekn.
Don’t forget, you can always get in touch by emailing news@lincsonline.co.uk
We miss these facilities
My wife and I are residents of Stamford, who have always enjoyed the facilities provided at the Recreation Ground. We have five grandchildren, who visit us regularly and have always taken advantage of the amenities provided. There was great excitement when the outdoor gym opened and they engaged enthusiastically in the fitness and keep fit programmes this wonderful facility offered. There was however great disappointment when we saw that the gym has been closed, we understand due to vandalism to some perimeter fencing.
The area has now been closed for well over a month, with it seems no prospect of re-opening. Whilst we understand that the gym was a project funded by a charitable organisation, it seems very sad that further maintenance, repairs and monitoring CCTV cannot be funded by council or local government funding sources. I am sure community groups would be very supportive of any initiatives for necessary work or repair.
With society and health organisations flagging up the importance of good personal, physical and emotional well-being, and the national campaign to reduce obesity, such local facilities with free access are so vital.
We are very confused why there has been no communication regarding the gym to the Stamford community. A wonderful facility funded through such a worthwhile charitable initiative is now sitting unused. With repair and regular monitoring, I am sure residents of all ages could enjoy and benefit from the gym for many years.
Name and address supplied
Sessions will continue in the new year
On behalf of the members of Stamford's town, district and county councillors I would like to thank all those residents and visitors who have raised matters with us at the 11am to 1pm, Friday Ask a Councillor sessions outside the library. Some we have been able to address successfully at the appropriate level, some are ongoing, but others have ended in failure, for which I offer my personal apology. These last have not been forgotten and will be the subject of renewed efforts in the New Year. Please be assured the the sessions will continue in 2025.
I am happy to be contacted in person at my home, by letter or by phone 01780 765507, although I prefer email: cllrmsawyer@stamford town council.gov.uk as this provides a written record, which avoids the danger of my forgetting important details.
I should mention that I do not forward emails to third parties without permission of the sender, and I will redact contact information on request.
Max Sawyer
STC Councillor for Stamford All Saints' North and SKDC Councillor for Stamford All Saints'
Waverley Gardens, Stamford
My account of budget meeting
As a new Stamford Town councillor (I was elected in August this year) I attended my first full council meeting with a budget debate. This is my account.
Despite diligent work by myself, as a newly elected councillor, my attempt to reduce the town council’s budget rise next year failed. I am mindful that every penny we ask residents to pay is given to us in trust. I thought we had a sound argument but were met with time constraints and other roadblocks”.
The issue concerned how the councils contingency reserve is calculated and what money can be included in it. As the discussion continued it was explained that the method of apportioning funds to the reserve has been in error for some time, this has resulted in a significant shortfall in the reserve. To correct this in a single step the STC precept must rise by a staggering 6.7%. I had asked a stepped increase in the precept to be considered rather that asking the town to absorb the coast in a single year.
My fear in that once tax has been raised to cover a one-off shortfall the tax increase in baked in and can’t be given back in a tax fall. The vote for the inflation busting budget increase was passed with the majority of councillors voting in favour, a few abstained and Coun Rahman and Coun Sawyer were among those who voted against the budget as set, as well as myself.
I was voted on to the Finance committee. I want to be accountable to the voters. I will do by utmost to ensure that this rise is a one off and not something repeated year on year.
Anna Wotherspoon
Stamford town councillor
Christmas, the season of goodwill
On Monday, December 9, at 6.45 pm, my wife went for an early evening walk while I went to the Bridge Club. Unfortunately, she had a nasty fall on a cold/damp/dark pavement near the Danish Invader, and was alone. Fortunately a couple with a young son came to her rescue and managed to contact me at the Bridge Club.
When I got to the scene of accident, she had now been on the cold ground for nearly 30 minutes. But her rescuers were great, guessing she’d damaged her right hip bone, and called 111 to be told there were no ambulances available and I would have to take her to Peterborough Hospital. Problem! I’ve only got a small car. But after struggling for about 15 minutes, we painfully managed to get her into the car. I thanked my Samaritans for their help and drove to the hospital. When I got there the staff had even greater difficulty getting her out of the car!
However, once she was in the hospital things went very smoothly, and a X-ray confirmed that she had indeed broken her hip bone. She was to spend over 24 hours in A and E waiting for a bed in a ward and the operation was carried out on the Wednesday morning, and she came home a week later.
My reason for writing of this letter: is so we can make contact the family who helped us, and give them a proper ‘thank you’. I believe they live in Birch Road.
Bob Webster
Oak Road, Stamford
If you are the family, please email: news@lincsonline.co.uk and we will put you in touch with Mr Webster.