What's on this week in Stamford, Bourne, the Deepings and Rutland
There's a host of events to look forward to over the next week.
If you'd like to include events in our diary dates, including Easter events, email details to: smeditor@stamfordmercury.co.uk by no later than 5pm on a Monday.
Friday, March 31
Art exhibition - Maxey Art Group and Deepings Art Club paintings, Stamford Arts Centre until Saturday, April 1. Free entry to view - or buy selected works, 9am and 5pm Monday to Saturday.
Oakham Art Group Spring Exhibition - Allman Gallery, Victoria Hall, Oakham. Runs until Saturday, April 1.
Spring summer fashion show - 7pm, Wing Village Hall. Tickets £10 to include a complimentary good bag from Glorious Beauty. All proceeds in aid of village hall maintenance. Tickets from Tracy on WhatsApp on 07850138156 or Sally on 07976936509 or mrssallycox@hotmail.com
Hi-De-Hi by South Kesteven Acting and Musical Players - 7.30pm, Bourne Corn Exchange. Family friendly show. All tickets £10 from www.ticketsource.co.uk/skamp
Sue Ryder’s Grief Kind Space - 10am to midday - MindSpace, Broad Street, Stamford.
Saturday, April 1
Jacquin Trio - 7.30pm, Stamford Arts Centre. Chamber music including works by Robert and Clara Schumann and Brahms. Tickets £20, concs £18 from 01780 763203 or www.stamfordartscentre.com
JD King’s Elvis the Legend – 8pm, Stamford Corn Exchange. This Elvis impersonator promises to wow with his energetic and powerful portrayal. Tickets £24 from www.stamfordcornexchange.co.uk or 01780 766455
Stephane Mercier Quartet, 7.45pm, Stamford Methodist Church. Brussels-based saxophonist and flautist. Part of monthly jazz series. Tickets £20, Conc £15, 11-18s £10 from Stamford Arts Centre box office on 01780 763203.
Burghley House Private South Gardens - 10.30am - 3.30pm open for National Garden Scheme. Admission £6 and children free but pre-booking essential at www.ngs.org.uk/Lincolnshire. Visitors on the day will be charged a gardens ticket price.
Spring fine food market - 10am to 4pm, Burghley House Chestnut and Stable Courtyards. A wide range of exhibitors including dishes from around the world, handmade cheese, soft and alcoholic beverages, luxury sweet treats and rare breed meats.
Spring summer fashion - 10am to 2pm, Wing Village Hall. Open for sales and trying on. No tickets required
Hi-De-Hi by South Kesteven Acting and Musical Players - 2pm matinee and 7.30pm, Bourne Corn Exchange. Family friendly show. All tickets £10 from www.ticketsource.co.uk/skamp
Spring fair - 10.30am to 2.30pm, Billingborough Village Hall. Stalls including handmade chocolates, woodcraft, wirework, retro, vintage art, and more. Free entry and parking. Proceeds for the hall.
Quiz night - 7pm, Ketton Sports and Community Centre. £2 per person on the door, teams of up to six people. Cash prize.
Nibble and Natter - 10am to midday, Bourne Abbey Church Hall. Stalls include books, raffle and refreshments. Proceeds to Abbey Church funds.
Eggsplore the Easter Trail - Belvoir Castle. Every day until April 10. Details and tickets from www.belvoircastle.com
Easter Fayre - 2pm - 4pm, Peakirk Village Hall. Easter games and stalls, tea/coffee/cake will be available, and a visit from the Easter bunny. Proceeds to St Pega’s Church Peakirk.
Sunday, April 2
Burghley House Private South Gardens - 10.30am - 3.30pm open for National Garden Scheme. Admission £6 and children free but pre-booking essential at www.ngs.org.uk/Lincolnshire. Visitors on the day will be charged a gardens ticket price.
Spring fine food market - 10am to 4pm, Burghley House Chestnut and Stable Courtyards. A wide range of exhibitors including dishes from around the world, handmade cheese, soft and alcoholic beverages, luxury sweet treats and rare breed meats.
TVR Car Rally - Burghley House. One of the largest gatherings of TVR's in the UK. See them line up against the backdrop of the house and parkland.
Photography walk - 10am to 12pm, Uffington. Improve your photography skills on a walk around Uffington village, with tips and insights from local professional photographer Lizzie Adams. Followed by tea/coffee and cake. £10 per person. Email: bookings@uffington.org.uk
Palm Sunday Concert - 7pm, Uppingham Parish Church. Uppingham Parish Church Choir will give a performance of The Passion of Christ. Free admission. Refreshments and a retiring collection for church funds.
Monday, April 3
Bourne Scrabble Club - 2pm, 1HUB, Queens Road, Bourne. We are looking to welcome new members, so if you enjoy a keen game of Scrabble, please come and join us. Contact: Angela 01778 426617/07706 993886. Weekly
Tuesday, April 4
Stamford Fibromyalgia Support Group meeting at Stamford Day Centre, Ryhall Road, 1-3pm. For more information call 07906 362686. Meets first Tuesday of the month.
Kindred - a group exhibition by nine contemporary artists - 10am to 4pm, Stamford Arts Centre. Runs until April 19, Monday to Saturday.
Wednesday, April 5
Victorian Uppingham - a history talk by Dr Vivian Anthony hosted by Lyddington Manor History Society, 7.30pm, Lyddington Village Hall. Non-members £5, members free.
Thursday, April 6
Beyond Faith – 7.30pm, Stamford Corn Exchange. Exciting tribute to George Michael featuring Paul Grant-Reason, who has won four national tribute awards. Tickets: www.stamfordcornexchange.co.uk or 01780 766455
Golf day - 8am arrival for 9am start, Burghley Park Golf Club. Fundraising event for South African rugby and netball tour 2023. £100 per head including breakfast, two course lunch. Four ball with shotgun start. Book by calling Allison on 07482714323 or David on 07967666870.
Woman Like Me – The Little Mix Show - The Cresset, Peterborough. Tickets from £14.50 from www.cresset.co.uk
Southorpe: Two Thousand Years Of History (A Local Village): A talk by Peter Jackson - 7.30pm, Barn Hill Church Meeting Room, Stamford. Access from Barn Hill or via North Street. (Disabled access from North Street). Doors open 7pm for tea/coffee and biscuits. Cost £2 for members and £5 to non-members. More: www.stamfordlocalhistorysociety.org.uk
Good Friday, April 7
Walk of Witness - midday, Stamford High Street for a short service. The procession then travels through the market.
Walk of Witness - 10am, St Gilbert’s RC Church, Bourne. Short service and a walk through town, calling at the Methodist Church and the Abbey Church and weather permitting concluding on the Wellhead Park with a service accompanied by The Salvation Army Community Band.
Easton Walled Gardens open gardens - 11an to 4pm. A 400-year-old, restored, 12 acre garden. Home to snowdrops, sweet peas, roses and meadows, as well as turf maze, yew tunnel and cut flower gardens. Gift shop and plants for sale. Admission £9, children £4.50. In aid of the National Garden Scheme.
Easter events - Harlaxton Manor, Grantham. 10am to 5pm (last entry 4pm). Adults £15 (£10), children £8.50. Family ticket is £40. www.harlaxton.co.uk
Candles around the Cross service - 10am, St John the Baptist Church Baston. An all age service and children and young people are invited to make an Easter garden to bring along and there will be hot cross buns and a drink afterwards.