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Care homes in Stamford and Bourne area receive Macmillan rose bushes from GP surgeries

Care home residents and staff are enjoying beautiful new roses thanks to an initiative from GP surgeries.

The idea to plant the Macmillan rose bushes came from the Four Counties Primary Care Network, which works with patients from Lakeside Healthcare in Ryhall Road, Stamford and The Hereward Practice in Exeter Street, Bourne.

Dr Clive Cole, GP partner from The Hereward Practice, said: ‘We wanted to give each care home in our primary care network a Macmillan rose to say ‘thank you’ for all the hard work the staff have put in alongside our care home team over the past two years and throughout covid.

Cheering up the gardens at Chater Lodge in Ketton
Cheering up the gardens at Chater Lodge in Ketton

‘We are only a small network with limited resources but we have a great team and have put a lot of effort into meeting the NHS care home requirements.

“We couldn’t do this without support from the care home staff, patients, families and supporting agencies.”

Care homes that received rose bushes were Wood Grange in Westminster Lane, Bourne; Abbey Court in Falcon Way, Bourne; Digby Court in Christopher’s Lane, Bourne; Harrington House in Harrington Street, Bourne; Priory Court in Priory Road, Stamford; and Chater Lodge in Ketton.

Planting took place at Wood Grange in Bourne
Planting took place at Wood Grange in Bourne

Care coordinator for the GP surgeries, Erika Barnett, helped with the planting.

She said: ‘It is a privilege for us to work with the care home teams and their residents and this is a way of thanking them for the positive relationship we enjoy.

“It was great to be welcomed to the sites and the residents also enjoyed the company of Dr Cole’s dog, Odie, who accompanied the team where possible and played ball at each care home, much to the residents’ amusement.”

Odie the dog entertained care home residents
Odie the dog entertained care home residents

Neets Lyons, personalised care lead for the surgeries, said: “It’s been a privilege to work alongside colleagues from the network team and staff and residents in our local care homes.

“It has also been an absolute pleasure getting to know our residents and listening to the stories they are so happy to share.”

Primary care networks bring together GPs and clinicians to improve patient care within a local area.

by Kate Evans

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