Pupils at Prince William School in Oundle celebrate top A-level results
Exceptional resilience and determination were key to a school’s outstanding set of A-level results.
Ninety-nine per cent of sixth formers at Prince William School in Oundle who sat their exams this summer passed, despite no formal exam experience.
Of the grades awarded, 28 per cent were A* and A and 79 per cent were A* to C.
Headteacher Elizabeth Dormor said: “This cohort has suffered greatly through the pandemic, including having no prior formal exam experience because GCSE exams were cancelled in 2021, so for these pupils to attain such great results is a fantastic achievement.
“They have shown exceptional resilience and determination to succeed, and we are very proud of them.”
Some of the school’s top performing pupils include:
Evie Bassett - Four A*s and one A* for Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) who will be going to Cambridge University
Quinn Hill - Three A*s and one A
Harry Mason - Three A*s
Grace Cresswell - Two A*s and one A
Eloise Baxter - One A*, two As and one C in EPQ
Chris Boon - One A* and two As
Lana Griffiths-Thompson - One A* and two As
Natasha Vogt - One A* and two As
If you would like to congratulate a pupil this exam season, contact our family announcements team on 01780 484830.