South Lincolnshire Citizens Advice answers questions on what to do about damp and mould in a rental property
Every month, Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire answers your questions.
This month the question is: Damp and mould has built up in our home over the winter. It started around the windows but now it’s spread.
I’ve been chasing our letting agency, who say they’ll speak to our landlord but there’s been no action and I’m really worried about how this might affect our health. Our tenancy agreement isn’t up for six months, what can I do?
And the answer?
You’ve done the right thing by reporting the issue to your letting agency. It’s not always easy to work out the cause of damp and mould, and your landlord might suggest that something you’re doing is contributing to it. However, your landlord will be responsible for the issue if it’s being caused by structural problems or disrepair such as a leaking roof or bad insulation.
Damp is when an area of your property doesn’t dry out, often because it’s cold. Damp can lead to mould, which is a fungus that grows in areas where warm damp air condenses on cold surfaces, like window frames. On our website you can find information which will help you work out what type of damp you have, who is responsible and what you can do about it. You should also check your tenancy agreement for mentions of repairs and damp.
Your landlord is responsible for fixing a damp problem if it’s making your home unsafe to live in. For example, this could be if it’s affecting your health or the health of someone living in the property with you. Your landlord will also be responsible if the damp is related to repairs they should have carried out, for example if the roof is damaged. They would also have to cover the cost of repairs to any items damaged by the damp, including carpets and furniture.
One of the things that can contribute to damp and mould is condensation. One of the best ways to prevent condensation is to keep homes well-heated and ventilated, but high heating costs and cold weather can make this difficult for lots of us. If you’re finding it hard to insulate and heat your home, check our website to see if you’re eligible for support.
There are steps you can take to make sure you’re not contributing to a damp problem, and making it worse. Our website has advice on what to avoid, like drying clothes on heaters, blocking air vents, or using portable gas heaters. However, showering, cooking, and laundry are the kinds of things everyone expects to be able to do in their homes. If the property can’t be heated and ventilated adequately to cope with normal day-to-day living activities, then it's the property that’s the problem, not your behaviour.
If your landlord is responsible for the damp in your home but doesn’t do anything about it, there are steps you can take, like reporting them to the local authority. And as a private renter, if you’ve got evidence from a health professional that damp is making you ill, you may be able to get free legal advice through Legal Aid.
As a last resort, you might decide you just want to leave the property but getting out of a tenancy agreement early can be difficult. There’s information on our website about how to go about this but remember this can be hard and there might be things you haven’t tried yet.
If you’re feeling stuck or would like more information about this issue, please call Adviceline on 0808 278 7996 to speak to a trained Adviser. We are here to help you find a way forward with the problems that you face.