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What's on this week across Stamford, Rutland, Bourne and the Deepings

If you're looking for something to do this week, look no further.

To include an event in our diary dates, email: smeditor@stamfordmercury.co.uk before 5pm on a Monday.

Friday, March 24

Art exhibition - Maxey Art Group and Deepings Art Club paintings, Stamford Arts Centre until April 1. Free entry to view - or buy selected works, 9am and 5pm Monday to Saturday.

Re-Take That - The Greatest Hits - 7.30pm, The Cresset, Peterborough. Take That tribute. Tickets £28.50 from cresset.co.uk 01733 265705

Clothes sale - 8pm, Rutland Showground, Oakham LE15 7TW. For Rutland’s Good and New Sale opens with an advance ticket-only sale, £20 per person, includes glass of champagne and canapés. Tickets: tinyurl.com/ForRutland2023. Information: forrutland.org.uk/goodandnewsale

Mid-Lent Fair Stamford - Broad Street, Star Lane, Red Lion Square, Sheep Market, Castle Dyke and Bath Row, Stamford. Fair rides and attractions. Until Saturday (Mar 25).

Art exhibition - 12pm - 5pm, Tuesday to Sunday, Willoughby Memorial Trust Gallery, Moreley’s Lane, Corby Glen. Featuring Outer Images, Inner Thoughts (paintings by Peter Wood) and painting and furniture by Patrick Douglas. Free entry.

Saturday, March 25

Clothes sale - 8.30am to 1pm, Rutland Showground, Oakham LE15 7TW. For Rutland’s Good and New Sale. Entry £5 on the door. Information: forrutland.org.uk/goodandnewsale

An evening of classical music and poetry - 7pm (doors 6.15pm), Bourne Town Hall. Featuring international pianist Mikael Petersson and Coventry Poet Laureate Emilie Lauren Jones. Licensed bar open. Tickets £14 (plus booking fee) from http://bournetownhall.org.uk/events

Rutland Choral Society’s Annelies - 7.30pm, Oakham School Chapel. Full-length choral work based on the Diary of Anne Frank, written by British composer James Whitbourn. Tickets www.wegottickets.com. Some tickets on the door.

Rutland Big Band and Oakham Swing Dance Night - 7.30pm - 11pm, Victoria Hall, Oakham. Tickets £12 from ticketsource.co.uk or text 07779 262508.

Hats Funny Comedy - 8pm (doors 7.15pm), South Luffenham Village Hall. Hosted by MC Ian Hayes and featuring Michael McKenzie and Louie Green, supported by Alexis Roy, Burt Green, Alex Freimuller and Andrew Stevens. Licensed bar. Tickets £12 on the door.

Tabletop sale and coffee morning - 9.30am, Bourne Corn Exchange. Filled rolls and cakes available. Proceeds to NSPCC. To book a table call Audrey: 01778 426487.

Greetham comedy night - doors 6.30pm, show 8pm, Greetham Community Centre. Featuring Shazia Mirza, Dom Hatton Wood, Alistair Barrie and Dave Thompson as MC. Tickets £15 in advance from The Plough, The Wheatsheaf and Stephen and Gillian Calnan. Food available. Over 16s only.

Music from the 60s, 70s and 80s - 8pm until late, Ketton Sports and Community Centre, Pit Lane. £6 on the door. Open to all - no need to be a club member.

Open garden - 10am to 4pm, 15 Lonsdale Way, Oakham. More than 50 varieties of daffodil on display. Funds for the Queen statue. Admission £2 each.

Poet Emilie Lauren Jones - 7pm (doors 6.15pm), Bourne Old Town Hall. Bar open. All proceeds to the Bourne Town Hall Trust renovation project. Tickets £14 (plus booking fee) from http://bournetownhall.org.uk/events

Sunday, March 26

Rutland Food and Drink Festival – 11am to 4pm, Oakham town centre - Mill Street, Oakham Castle, Victoria Hall, Market Place and High Street. Cooking demonstrations at Victoria Hall with Phil Vickery.

Gunthorpe Hall, Gunthorpe - 2pm to 5pm. Featuring a carpet of daffodils and a countryside garden. Open for the National Gardens Scheme. Adults £5, children free. Tea and cake available. Advance tickets from https://ngs.org.uk/

Stamford Young Farmers tractor run - Registration and briefing at Pickworth from 9.30am to set off at 10.30am. Barbecue, drinks and raffle

Open garden - 10am to 4pm, 15 Lonsdale Way, Oakham. More than 50 varieties of daffodil on display. Funds towards the Queen statue. Admission £2 each.

Stamford Rugby Club Mini and Junior Rugby Festival - 10am start, Stamford Rugby Club, Hambleton Road. Junior rugby tournament, bouncy castles, raffle and stalls in aid of the new clubhouse appeal

Monday, March 27

Oakham Art Group Spring Exhibition - Allman Gallery, Victoria Hall, Oakham. Runs until Saturday (April 1)

Tea and chat - 12.30pm - 2pm, MindSpace, Broad Street, Stamford. Also on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Find out more about the support on offer. mindspacestamford.com/join-in/

Wednesday, March 29

Funhouse Comedy Club - 7pm doors, show 8p, The Blue Bell, Easton-on-the-Hill. Featuring Danny Ward, Steve Hall, Mark Row and compere Tony Cowards. Tickets £12 in advance. To book call 01780 763003

Hi-De-Hi by South Kesteven Acting and Musical Players - 7.30pm, Bourne Corn Exchange. Family friendly show. All tickets £10 from www.ticketsource.co.uk/skamp. Also Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Thursday, March 30

Funhouse Comedy Club - Grainstore Brewery, Station Approach, Oakham. £12 in advance. 8pm. Rob Rouse, Geoff Norcott, Meryl O’Rourke, compere Barry Dodds. Tickets www.funhousecomedy.co.uk

Bourne and District Flower Club - 7.30pm, Darby and Joan Hall, South Street, Bourne. Demo by Barbara Collins entitled “Colourful Spring”. Flower accessories and books on sale. Visitors welcome at £8. Details Ann Northen 01778 423353.

Friday, March 31

Oakham Art Group Spring Exhibition - Allman Gallery, Victoria Hall, Oakham. Runs until April 1

Spring summer fashion show - 7pm, Wing Village Hall. Tickets £10 includes goody bag from Glorious Beauty. All proceeds for village hall maintenance. Tickets from Tracy on WhatsApp on 07850138156 or Sally on 07976936509

Saturday, April 1

Jacquin Trio - 7.30pm, Stamford Arts Centre. Chamber music including works by Robert and Clara Schumann and Brahms. Tickets £20, concs £18 from 01780 763203

JD King’s Elvis the Legend – 8pm, Stamford Corn Exchange. Tickets £24: www.stamfordcornexchange.co.uk or 01780 766455

Stephane Mercier Quartet, 7.45pm, Stamford Methodist Church. Brussels-based saxophonist and flautist. Tickets £20, Conc £15, 11-18s £10 from Stamford Arts Centre on 01780 763203.

Burghley House Private South Gardens - 10.30am - 3.30pm open for National Garden Scheme. Admission £6 and children free but pre-booking essential at www.ngs.org.uk/Lincolnshire. Visitors on the day will be charged gardens ticket price.

Spring summer fashion - 10am to 2pm, Wing Village Hall. Open for sales and trying on. No tickets required

Spring fair - 10.30am to 2.30pm, Billingborough Village Hall. Stalls including handmade chocolates, woodcraft, wirework, retro, vintage art, and more. Free entry and parking. Proceeds for the hall.

Quiz night - 7pm, Ketton Sports and Community Centre. £2 per person on the door, teams of up to six people. Cash prize.

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