The team behind a new broadband project for the region says its keen to do its bit to give South Holland’s economy a big lift.
Drug users are said to have been injecting themselves in a children’s play area - and have left behind discarded needles and materials.
Things are looking up for Spalding’s pub scene - and bans are working as a deterrent to encourage troublemakers to ditch their bad behaviour.
Sharing council bosses is seen as the best way of avoiding cuts to services in South Holland – and avoiding a £650k spend on hiring new officers.
Education bosses say they will fight for more cash for our schools after figures showed our children get less than other parts of the country.
Concerned councillors will write to the Environment Agency to raise a series of issues with a slipway on the River Glen
Anyone in the community in need of support is being urged to call the Spalding and Pinchbeck Good Neighbour Scheme.
Two teenagers were arrested after an incident in which a man was said to have been threatened with a knife and had his car stolen.
A power cut is affecting homes to the south west of Spalding today.
The justice system is completely failing to combat serial shoplifters, according to a concerned former police sergeant.
Five years on from the Brexit vote, we look at the state of play in South Holland - with fears of a labour shortage and reaction from both camps.
Businesses in South Holland are being urged to make sure EU-born staff sign up for the right to stay in the UK.
Taxpayers in Lincolnshire had to fork out more than £450k in compensation last year - and our county pays the third lowest on each repair.
Taxpayers in Lincolnshire had to fork out more than £450k in compensation last year - and our county pays the third lowest on each repair.
Taxpayers in Lincolnshire had to fork out more than £450k in compensation last year - and our county pays the third lowest on each repair.
Supermarket bosses have been urged to work with councillors so that they can find a suitable site to open a new store.
Avid readers are being urged to cherish a trio of south Lincolnshire stores during a week that celebrates independent book shops.
Wedding venues are coming up with creative ways to help couples enjoy their big day despite the coronavirus restrictions.
Designer sunglasses were stolen in an early morning raid at Boots Opticians.
Visitors to Spalding can take advantage of free parking from today, as a summer-long initiative gets under way.