Plans for four homes in Kirton passed
A developer has been given the thumbs up to build four homes which will form part of a larger site.
Seagate Homes’ application to erect the two-storey detatched properties on Wash Road, Kirton, were passed by Boston Borough Council following the submission of amended plans.
These varied the site boundary to allow for a future pedestrian and cycle path on the east side of the site, following previous concerns raised by Kirton Parish Council.
“Although accessed from Wash Road, the application site is part of a wider area subject to a part implemented planning permission for 31 dwellings accessed from Station Road,” a covering letter by agent Robert Doughty Consultancy on behalf of the applicant said.
The site lies near the New Life Church with Kirton Distribution Park to the south.
“The site consists of 0.18 hectares of land immediately to the north of Wash Road, 60 metres east of its junction with the A16,” the planning officer’s report stated.
“The site was formerly occupied by a dwelling which is now demolished.
“To the north is an area of land extending some 230 metres to Station Road on which planning permission has been granted for housing.”