Plans to build three commercial units on Wyberton’s Quadrant development submitted
Plans to build commercial units including a showroom on a village site have been submitted.
Ambit Developments Ltd want to construct three units as well as parking spaces and electric vehicle charging points on unused grassland off Wallace Way, part of Wyberton’s Quadrant development.
As well as housing, the development is home to a number of retail an commercial units including Enterprise, Starbucks, Papa John’s, Burger King, Greggs, Costa Coffee and a Travelodge, as well as Boston United football club.
Plans have also been passed for a car dealership and electric vehicle charging on vacant land nearby.
While no businesses are currently attached to this application, plans submitted to Boston Borough Council say the green light would create job opportunities.
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“A flexible commercial permission is sought to attract modern operators and to respond to market requirements,” the planning and retail statement provided by agent Firstplan Ltd says.
“The scheme proposals seek to deliver a balanced range of commercial, employment-generating uses which will compliment surrounding uses and will deliver beneficial services to the local area and commuters.”
The three units would amount to 1,274sqm of floorspace on a 0.36 hectare parcel of land.
“The proposed units are of high quality materials and contemporary in appearance,” the statement added.
“The units would complement existing buildings in the area particularly in terms of form, scale and design.
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“Given, the nature of the proposals, the development is considered to enhance the character and appearance of the immediate and wider area.
“In addition, the proposals have been sensitively designed in the context of the existing residential and retail uses to ensure the proposals would assimilate within the area.”