There is community spirit all around, writes leader of Grantham Independents Councillor Tim Harrison
It’s time for more positivity in our town, writes Councillor Tim Harrison, leader of Grantham Independents.
I think it's time for more positivity in Grantham. One of the biggest successes in Grantham has been the set-up of The Bread and Butter Thing at the Earlesfield Community Centre.
Thanks to Councillors Cunnington, Stokes and Steptoe for enabling it to be held there.
The community spirit from all the volunteers getting 80 lots of weekly shopping to those most in need is fantastic to see and very inspiring. We are now trying to set up another hub on the other side of town.
We recently got invited up to the Cree Centre in Grantham who do great work for Mencap. The staff there were unbelievable, their kindness and care was plain to see. We were informed of a wish list and in conjunction with Bread and Butter were able to take excess food stuffs to help.
We were told about their need for a sunken trampoline to help with motion and mobility issues and I have been able to order one for them. It would be great if some local ground workers could spare the time to dig out for it in the spirit of #GranthamTogether.
We raised the flag on August 28 for Saint Augustin Day in respect of our twin town and look forward to welcoming their representatives over in mid September with a view to growing our relationship with them, linking in with schools and hopefully putting some bones on the idea of a ‘Youth World Cup’ in 2025.
The prospects for the market are on the up, a great team there now with Kay and Craig driving it. We are looking to have an addition to the market each week, so currently we have crafters on week one and farmers on week two, ideas are in motion to bring antique stalls in week three and a food market in week four. There are lots of good things going on.
There is a lot of politics bandying about at the moment as there are county elections coming up in May. But I ask that people focus on the positives.
I am reminded of Teddy Roosevelt's speech which I will paraphrase: “It's not the critic who counts or the man who points out when a strong man stumbles, or where someone else could do better. It’s about the man in the arena, whose face is marred and who strives, errs, and might even come up short. Because there is no effort without error.”
Have a great weekend.