Staffordshire bull terrier reported missing from Langar Airfield found and reunited with family
A dog missing for over a week has been found and reunited with her family.
A female Staffordshire bull terrier, Smidge, was reported missing from Langar Airfield on January 27.
Smidge was said to be last seen around 11am at the location as her owner works in a business next door.
The owner contacted Kim Jefcott, founder of Notts Lost Dogs SAR, who organised search groups to look for the dog.
Volunteers went knocking on doors, checking CCTV footage and Drone SAR and Harvey’s Army South helped look for Smidge.
Several people across Facebook have also shared pictures and information about the dog in the hope of helping.
On Saturday morning (February 3), Smidge was spotted dumped on a lane near Langar Airfield.
She was found very clean and fed, which made Kim from the search group think that the dog might have been stolen.
“She came back extremely clean and fed for having been out a week. She was found on the lane close by and was walking back to the Airfield, she clearly knows her way around so if she had been lost she would've made her way back sooner,” said Kim.