Grantham's Start Right Nursery achieves 'good' Ofsted rating
A Grantham nursery has successfully raised its Ofsted rating from “requires improvement” to good.
Start Right Nursery, in Trent Road, was inspected in December, with the report published earlier this month.
The inspection revealed an overall effectiveness rating of "good," highlighting positive outcomes in the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management.
According to the report, children at the nursery, aged one to four, are “thriving” in the engaging environment created by staff.
The inspection found that children confidently make choices in their play, with staff supporting their small physical movements and encouraging independence.
Notably, the nursery promotes learning through play, with activities tailored to children's interests.
"Staff help children develop their small physical movements and encourage them to try things for themselves," said the report.
"Children know what staff expect of them during routines of the day and listen carefully to their instructions.
“Staff praise children for using good manners, such as saying 'Please' and 'Thank you' when responding to others."
While the report commends the nursery for effective safeguarding measures, it also outlines areas for improvement
Ofsted recommends strengthening outdoor learning opportunities, enhancing staff skills in recognising and supporting children's progress during play, and providing consistent leadership development for managers.
Parents expressed satisfaction with the nursery, noting effective communication about their children's daily activities and progress.
The report highlights the positive relationships between staff and families, emphasising the importance of involving parents in addressing any learning gaps.
Despite the improvements, Ofsted suggests that outdoor activities could benefit from more purposeful planning.
Additionally, staff are encouraged to refine their skills in recognising individual learning needs during play, ensuring all children fully engage in activities.
"To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should strengthen planning to provide more purposeful learning opportunities in the outdoor area," said the report.
"Improve staff skills to further recognise and support children to make the most progress in their learning during play.
“Embed the professional development provided for leaders to help them develop their oversight of the setting and leadership abilities."
Start Right Nursery, registered in 2000, employs five childcare staff, including a manager with qualified teacher status.
The nursery provides full-day care throughout the year, offering funded early education for children aged two, three and four years old.
The nursery has been approached for comment.