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Overnight closures for Sutton Bridge Cross Keys painting works announced

Essential repainting works and maintenance to the Cross Keys Bridge at Sutton Bridge is progressing, and eight overnight closures for next month have now been announced.

The current works to repaint the A17 Cross Keys Bridge are in full swing and have already taken significant steps in protecting the structure for the future.

Even though the bridge was last painted less than 20 years ago, work crews have discovered a combination of good and seriously deteriorated existing protection to the steelwork.

Cross Keys Bridge
Cross Keys Bridge

The major thrust of works carried out since the project began at the end of February has been to erect scaffolding to gain access to all parts of the structure. Crews have also started paint preparation to the fixed span of the bridge both above and below road level.

Preparation of this type involves the removal of loose and deteriorated paintwork, making the surface ready to receive the new coats of protective paint. Removal of the Vehicle Restraint System and other selected steel sections has begun, and they are being taken away from site to be cleaned, prepared and repainted.

The bridge itself has had to remain operational for River Nene shipping movements and as part of that there have been a number of bridge openings for the water traffic that have added to delays for road users.

With the Easter holidays happening, works on the bridge will have minimal traffic management in operation to reduce the amount of disruption for the expected holiday traffic using the road. The temporary traffic lights will be removed completely for each of the BankHolidays.

Looking forward, the programme of works will include a series of overnight closures in May. The dates that the bridge will be entirely closed to all traffic from 7pm to 7am are:

• May 3, 4 and 5

• May 9, 10 and 11

• May 16, 17 and 18

• May 23, 24 and 25

The diversion route will be A17, A47, Lynn Road, A1101, A17 and vice versa. This is also the current advisory route should road users want to avoid the queues at the Swing Bridge.

Karen Cassar, assistant director of highways, said: “We are aware of some local area disruption and traffic queues at times as a result of the temporary traffic lights.

“The traffic management operatives are doing their best to manage this every day and we are doing everything that we can to keep disruption as minimal as possible while these major works are under way.

“We would like to thank residents and road users for their patience and the good will they have shown towards the traffic management operatives so far.”

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