Transported Art defends £35k project for Spalding's Abbey Passage
An arts leader has defended a £35,000 project to make over a passageway after it was branded ‘the most expensive public toilet in Lincolnshire’ in a wealth of public criticism.
Transported Art programme director Nick Jones says plans to add a flower parade themed mural in Abbey Passage could help to stop anti-social behaviour along with raising preceptions of the town.
The project has received a £30,000 Arts Council grant along with £5,000 from the Spalding Town Centre Improvement Programme budget to run the workshops with 1,000 school children and residents to create the mural.
However, the project has been met with some criticism from people who branded it a ‘waste of money’ highlighting that the cash could be better spent on roads and the NHS.
A Facebook comment from Alison Johnson-Smith labelled it the ‘most expensive public toilet in Lincolnshire!’
Mr Jones said the money could not be spent on roads or the NHS.
He said: “The cost of £30,000 is about change that can be brought to South Holland and the fact that we have so many comments on how they feel about the town means that the town needs some attention and investment.
“We see our art project as contributing to improving the town and how people feel about it.”
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