Puffin crossing could be installed on Spalding’s Bridge Street if councillors agree
It is hoped that plans for a new £200k pedestrian crossing on a busy street could be the start of further road safety improvements across the town - after a councillor raised concerns.
A puffin crossing to link Spalding’s Bridge Street and the river bank will be discussed at the next Lincolnshire County Council planning and regulation committee - but Coun Gary Taylor is hoping that this will lead onto other schemes in busy streets.
Coun Taylor had asked for the highways officers to look at installing a crossing at that point after hearing about accidents and the difficulties people have with making the journey from Bridge Street to Church Street.
The Spalding councillor, who sits on both the county and South Holland District Council, has met with residents and cycling groups to discuss the issue with Bridge Street.
He said: “It is a major junction and it is uncontrolled for pedestrians. If you look at the rest of Spalding there are controlled crossings but at that junction there is nothing. It is a major access for the town centre and Ayscoughfee and schools.
“I have heard from people with mobility issues who struggled with that road.”
Coun Taylor sees this as a start for safety improvements across town as he would also like to see an improved crossing on Cowbit Road side of the river, which is often used by youngsters on their way to the secondary schools, along with around Little London.
He said: “I have spoken to people who struggle to get across the road to use Little London shop due to the speeding.”
A puffin crossing is estimated to cost £200,000 with an additional £10,000 for a feasibility study and design scheme.
A report to the planning and regulation committee meeting on September 2 states that the a crossing survey was conducted on September 21, 2023, and the site meets the threshold for a zebra crossing facility - but needs committee approval to become a puffin crossing.
It goes onto say: “The site is in close proximity to the traffic signal installation managing single file traffic across the bridge over the river between Churchgate and B1173 and Bridge Street.
“When in use a zebra crossing at this location would delay traffic flow and potentially interfere with this controlled flow, resulting in traffic not clearing the bridge when the opposing flow is given a green light to proceed.
“On this basis, a zebra crossing is considered to be inappropriate. As an alternative, a standalone puffin crossing facility could be linked to be the traffic signal installation to ensure that the control of traffic flow over the bridge is maintained when in use, or a crossing facility could be incorporated into the existing signalised arrangement.”
The report states that a recent road safety audit did not identify any road safety concerns relating to the provision of a puffin crossing and that there have been no accidents which resulted in an injury over the last three years.
The committee will also be making a decision on whether to introduce rules to prevent vehicles from parking on a bus stop at Little London.
One objection was raised about the loss of on street parking for residents.
A report adds: “The purpose of this scheme is to ensure unrestricted access for the high frequency of scheduled bus services using this bus stop. Although the impact of the proposal will be to remove parking for much of the day along this short stretch of carriageway, the scheme will benefit bus services and their users.
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