South Holland District Council Chairman’s Quiz raises funds for Mencap and Blood Cancer UK
A ‘wonderful evening’ was enjoyed at a charity fundraising quiz – as teams tested their grey matter for good causes.
Coun Andrew Woolf, chairman of South Holland District Council hosted the proceedings at Cowbit Village Hall.
He said: “I would like to thank everyone for attending and supporting this event with special thanks to Darren and Marcus for giving up their time to organise a wonderful evening.”
The event raised £585 for the chairman’s chosen charities, Blood Cancer UK and Mencap.
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Every table was taken on Friday (February 16) and Marcus Pell presided as quiz master asking eight rounds of challenging questions including a picture and music round.
The triumphant team was Piston Brake followed by SHDC Environmental Health Team.
Darren Harper and Mr Pell organised a pop-up bar for the evening, serving drinks and snacks provided by Colin Foxwell from Cowbit Village Store.
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