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Aldi given green light to build 1.315sqm supermarket in Wyberton

Plans to build a 1,315sqm supermarket have been passed.

Aldi’s proposals to construct the store – along with parking spaces for up to 125 customers – off the A52 in the parish of Wyberton have been given the green light.

The Swineshead Road development will be situated around existing Tesco, B&Q, Lidl, Starbucks and McDonald’s sites.

An impression of how the store will look from the design and access statement
An impression of how the store will look from the design and access statement

“The application seeks permission for the construction of a food store with car parking, landscaping and associated works,” the Boston Borough Council planning officer’s statement reads.

“The food store would be rectangular in form and located to the west of the site.

“Car parking would be provided for 118 customers outside the southern and eastern elevations.

An impression of how the store will look from the design and access statement
An impression of how the store will look from the design and access statement

“Additionally, seven disabled car parking spaces are proposed.

“The gross internal area of the proposed food store is 1,315sqm and the remainder occupied by a warehouse, plant rooms and staff welfare and accommodation.”

The statement added: “The building itself would have a mono pitched roof with a maximum height of 6.25m.”

An impression of how the store will look from the design and access statement
An impression of how the store will look from the design and access statement

The design and access statement, prepared for Aldi by Stoas Architects, said: “The proposed development will be an increase in main food store provision that will help meet the retail needs of the local catchment area by enhancing consumer choice.

“Aldi’s model means specialist goods and services must be sourced elsewhere by customers, ensuring that Aldi’s stores do not directly compete with specialist food shops or other local businesses.

“We believe the proposals represent a well thought out and sensitive response to the constraints of the site.

“The Aldi food store provides an amenity to the local area which is currently lacking, along with the creation of local jobs.

“Aldi look forward to becoming considerate neighbours and a valued part of the local community.”

A comment made by Wyberton Parish Council read: “Along West End Road, there is a gap where there is not a footpath or cycle path, the parish councillors ask that the applicant to fill in the gap along West End Road, this would make better access for pedestrians and cyclists to get to the new built store.”

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