Community Mind Matters campaigner Vanessa Browning and author James Wand reinstall sign on mental health matters bench in Ayscoughfee Gardens, Spalding
A mental health sign damaged by vandals has been mended and reinstalled.
Community Mind Matters campaigner, Vanessa Browning was sad and upset to have found the sign on the mental health matters bench in Ayscoughfee Gardens, Spalding, had been destroyed.
The sign highlights when support is available for anyone suffering from loneliness, depression, anxiety or bereavement and author James Wand has put the sign back up.
Mrs Browning said: “The bench is up and running again after the sign had been cut in half and damaged.
“The mental bench has helped so many people in the past as it is a safe place to just turn up, have conversation and get that support
“There is no judgement, they don’t have to make an appointment and I can signpost people to get help.”
The life coach is pleased to see members of the community supporting each other and expressed her gratitude to Mr Wand to help with the sign.
James Wand, author of Autism and ADHD - A Father’s Perspective raised some funds at his book event in Spalding Library and fitted the new sign.
He said: “When it initially happened I was gobsmacked and astonished that someone could stoop to do something like that.
“Vanessa has helped so many people on that bench alone so it was heartbreaking the sign had been snapped in half.
“You could see how many people were angered so I rang her up to see how I could help raise the money and met with her to fit it onto the bench. It was a really nice feeling to have done that.
“When we did the event at the library we coincided with asking people to donate towards the new sign for the bench.”
Mr Wand is keen to raise awareness about youngsters who are neuro diverse and how they cope in mainstream education.
The mental health advocates are keen to work together on future projects.
For those who want to use the mental health matters bench the time slot has changed to Thursdays between 10am and 12pm.
For further information visit Community Mind Matters on Facebook.