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Brexit: the big debate comes to Spalding

Ken Clarke is speaking at a meeting in Spalding. (2056769)
Ken Clarke is speaking at a meeting in Spalding. (2056769)

Tory big gun Ken Clarke is speaking at a Brexit debate in Spalding on Friday night.

Mr Clarke is one of the longest serving ministers of the 20th Century, with high profile roles such as Chancellor and Home Secretary.

The Rushcliffe MP is one of only five ministers who served the whole 18 years of Margaret Thatcher’s and John Major’s governments.

The meeting at the South Holland Centre is organised by the pro-EU European Movement and is part of a series under the title, “The Brexit Dialogue: Explaining the Facts, Exposing the Myths, Exploring the Options.”

The moderator will be John Hess, former BBC East Midlands political editor.

Mr Clarke, who also served under David Cameron, will be joined by Tom Brake MP, the Lib-Dem spokesman on Exiting the European Union, Amelia Womack, deputy leader of The Green Party, and James Torrance, one of the founders of the new party, Renew.

The European Movement says the events are designed to provide an opportunity for the residents of South Lincolnshire to question politicians about the Brexit process so far.

It aims to explore what Brexit means for our economy, how the proposed new trading arrangements will work for our economy and what the consequences will be for rural communities.

Founded in 1949, the European Movement says it seeks “to give a voice to those who believe Britain’s future lies side-by-side with our European partners”.

George Smid, a candidate in the South Holland and the Deepings constituency in 2015, chairs the European Movement in the East Midlands,

He said: “With the Government seemingly still unable to decide what kind of Brexit it wants, the clock is ticking in our country’s negotiations with the European Union. With different options being discussed, it is important that we should understand what those different options mean and what options are best for us locally and the country as a whole.”

For free tickets go to the South Holland Centre booking office or phone 01775 764777 - or pay a small fee at www.southhollandcentre.co.uk

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