SKDC will tag silver recycling bins which contain the wrong rubbish
Recycling bins will be tagged if they contain the wrong items on collection days.
South Kesteven District Council is cracking down on people putting the wrong items into their silver bins.
It follows the tagging scheme which was adopted when new purple-lidded bins were introduced across the district for paper and cardboard earlier this year.
For a limited time, the council’s bin collectors will attach yellow tags to silver bins which contain incorrect items such as paper, card or soft plastics.
District councillor Rhys Baker (Green – Bourne Austerby), who is responsible for waster and the environment, said the aim is to make sure as much waste as possible can be recycled. The council also wants to avoid lorries being rejected at the recycling plant.
Coun Baker said: “We thank everyone who has been carefully sorting their recycling to make this task so much easier.
“We have already seen an improvement in the quality of the silver bin contents but there is still a proportion of material we are unable to recycle in the loads being collected from silver bins.
“We will be working together with residents to make sure we all continue to recycle everything we can in the simplest and easiest way.”
Silver bins should be used to recycle clean glass bottles and jars, metal tins and cans, aerosols, foils, plastic bottles, toiletry bottles, cleaning product bottles, cartons, plastic tubs and bottle tops.
The silver bins should not be used for paper, card, soft plastics such as crisp packets, carrier bags, cling film and food pouches, textiles, polystyrene, batteries, electrical items and black or brown plastic food trays.
Paper and card which is clean and dry can be put into the purple-lidded bins while soft plastics can be recycled at some supermarkets or put in the black bin.
Full details of which items can go in which bin are available on the council website at
Do you think the tagging scheme will help? Share your thoughts in the comments below.