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MindSpace Stamford to open centre in Broad Street, Stamford in January 2020

An organisation supporting people in and around Stamford is to have a permanent home for its activities.

MindSpace Stamford was founded about four years ago by town GP Dr Dan Petrie.

Over time it has grown to provide a drop-in café, film nights and other activities that aim to prevent loneliness and isolation, and improve people's mental wellbeing.

Dr Dan Petrie
Dr Dan Petrie

Dan, a GP at Lakeside Healthcare in Stamford, said they were looking forward to opening the new premises in Broad Street later this month.

"It will be a drop-in space for people to come to talk, as well as a centre for our activities," he said.

Called The MindSpace Home, the centre will offer courses for people with anxiety or depression, and for their loved ones.

It will also be a place where MindSpace Stamford's 20 trained volunteer 'listeners' will support anyone coming in with issues that are troubling their mental wellbeing.

Dan said: "There is more and more research about social isolation and loneliness and it seems it has a worse effect on long-term health than diabetes or smoking. We see that, as GPs.

"We know that when you are anxious or depressed it robs you of motivation to go out and you stop enjoying doing things."

Dan said the problem is due, in part, to our individualistic culture in which communal spaces have been lost.

To try to reverse this, activities at the centre will include veterans' breakfasts; a 'new to Stamford' group; a regular men's evening; and a board games café called 'snakes and lattes'.

In addition, there will be a new group supported by The Reader, a national charity that promotes the shared reading of books, tapping in to people's enjoyment of shared storytelling. This will also be supported by Stamford and Deepings libraries.

Meanwhile, MindSpace Stamford will continue with its 'social prescribing' of physical activities, which already include yoga, walking and boxing.

"With my GP hat on, the strategic aim is to identify the gaps in mental healthcare," said Dan.

"We can then give space and support to the people and volunteers who have the skills to help others.

"For example, we would like to provide for people with eating disorders, and for survivors of bereavement through suicide.

"If people have experience in these areas and might like to volunteer, or if they know of other groups that could be supported, then we would like to hear from them."

To get in touch people can e-mail info@mindspacestamford.com or phone 01780 437330.

Alternatively, visit the website.

The five steps to mental wellbeing are:

  1. Connect with people around you
  2. Be active by making an activity you enjoy a part of your life
  3. Keep learning new life skills to give a sense of achievement
  4. Give to others even if it’s a smile or a kind word
  5. Be mindful by being aware of your thoughts, feelings, body and the world around you

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