Travel expert Emma Savage talks about summer holidays in her latest column
In her latest column, travel counsellor Emma Savage talks about the changes people will encounter on their summer breaks:
Haven’t things changed since my last column? And all positive news too! Government restrictions have been lifted, allowing us to travel to a whole host of destinations including Greece, Spain, France and Germany as well as far flung destinations in the Caribbean, without the need to self-isolate on our return to the UK. Be aware though, although we are allowed to travel, it doesn’t necessarily mean there won’t be restrictions at the point of arrival in the destination or paperwork to complete prior to travelling; so, my advice is to check this before you book. The good news is, that summer holidays abroad will now be able to take place.
This change in Government advice is wonderful news for the travel industry, which has been at a standstill since lockdown. Personally, I have already made a number of bookings for customers who were keen to get something booked as soon as they were able. I have confirmed a family holiday to the Maldives for Easter, flights for a multigenerational family who are having a get together next March and I’ve also booked a September Greece break for a couple whose May break was cancelled due to Covid-19. I have also been busy with corporate travel, and some for imminent departures; I think there are lots of meetings and appointments to be caught up on with colleagues abroad.
Travel will be different for us all; there will be new rules to obey and new processes to get used to. At airports, for example, there are a number of things to be aware of.
You will need a face covering when entering the terminal and you’ll need to wear it throughout your journey. If you don’t wear one, you won’t be allowed to fly.
Temperature screening is in operation at some airports.
There may be one way systems in place and you will still need to maintain social distancing – at check in areas there will be markers showing you where to stand.
Seating in the departure lounge will be rearranged to comply with social distancing
There may only be a very limited selection of shops open and availability of food and drink once airside may be limited too (water will be available).
When you board the aircraft, this may be done in rows at a time to avoid crowding at the gate. Onboard you are required to keep your mask on and on short haul flights limited or no catering will be available.
I’ll be ensuring my customers are up to speed on all the latest developments so they have a safe and enjoyable holiday.
Happy travels!