Lincolnshire readers share views on farming and overgrown graveyards
Readers have had plenty to say on what’s in the news.
Here we share some of the letters, emails and comments that have come in over the week, including this cartoon from John Elson and a reader picture.
Don’t forget, you can always get in touch by emailing
Thank you for your generosity
May I, on behalf of the local branch of the RNLI , thank the kindness of the Rutlanders in Uppingham and Oakham as they gave so generously this month when we held our annual street collection?
We collected £344.33 in Uppingham and £388.75 in Oakham.
The charity is very grateful to all who gave so willingly – all monies going to the saving of lives at sea all round our coasts.
Laura Reekie
Rutland RNLI
Many people to thank
As I come to the end of my term as president of the Rotary Club of Uppingham I would like to thank the many people, community organisations and businesses in the county that have supported club members efforts to raise funds for the worthy causes promoted by the Rotary movement.
Rutland currently hosts two Rotary Clubs with the Oakham based Rotary Club of Rutland having 15 members and the Uppingham Club now having 26. Both clubs are dual gender and welcome new members. Each club has an active programme of events and projects and they occasionally come together for joint initiatives. As each club has a different character and annual goals, I always encourage any prospective member to visit both clubs, and perhaps a third in Stamford, before making a final judgement on their preferred club to join. Whatever the decision, the Rotary movement will make them welcome.
My 2023/24 period of service has seen the Uppingham Club, which meets on a Monday evening, celebrate its 18th birthday. Throughout that time its venue has been The Falcon Hotel, and in particular, the hotel’s outstanding wood panelled Oak Room for regular meetings. Visiting guests frequently praise the single oval table format of the room. In addition, the club has access to the extended Garden Terrace for major events.
The club’s benefactors who have supported events and projects this year include:
A local village resident whose estate executors donated £20,000 for community projects which to date include a new market place defibrillator and a joint initiative with our Rutland Club colleagues to fund a new hoist for Rutland Sailability
The proprietors of Goldmark Art, The Rutland Gallery, Peter Barker Fine Art and the Queen Street Gallery who showcased the town’s artistic offer in aid of Rotary charities
Sam Hamblin and her team at Sycamore Harley-Davidson who, in hosting a welcome reception for our President’s Charity Night, delighted visitors by revealing that the showroom in little old Uppingham had secured the brand’s top customer service in Europe award
Gifts and event prizes from a wide range of Uppingham and Rutland businesses including The Coop, Tesco, Thomas Hairdresser, Restaurants No 23 and Don Paddy’s, Gates and Welland Vale Garden Centres, Arnold Wills Ltd and a large number of high street retailers
Uppingham School for the fantastic premises and staff support for our Rotary Schools Technology Tournament and Uppingham Cricket Club for hosting our charity quiz and race nights
Uppingham Surgery for its medical support for the Classic Car and Dementia events
Rutland County Council, Uppingham Town Council and the Uppingham churches for their collaboration with the provision of advice, licencing, equipment and infrastructure
The very many groups and individuals from around the county and beyond including the Uppingham Neighbourhood Forum and the Uppingham First Community partnership who have both helped with volunteers and supported various initiatives
And finally, Dr Sarah Furness, Lord Lieutenant of Rutland and High Sheriff Richard Cole for their continuing support and participation
For such a small town and county, the support extended to Rotary’s charity efforts has been outstanding and notable in such challenging times. As president, I can say that the membership and I could not have asked for more. Thank you.
Ron Simpson
Meet your councillor
Please note that the monthly surgery for Oakham North West residents has been changed to Friday, July 12.
It will be held at the Scout Hut on Grampian Way, between 1.30 and 2.30pm.
No appointment is required.
We hope that residents will understand the reason for this change.
Couns Steve McRobb and Ramsay Ross
Rutland County Council (Lab)
Alternatives should be used
I am writing because of the article about the graveyard weed killer.
I think that weed killer is killing wildlife because of the chemicals being used in it. I feel very strongly about this because people are trying to encourage little birds and butterflies and weed killer is killing the flowers and worms that they eat. The RHS gives alternatives to weed killer.
Name and address supplied
Farmers should be appreciated
Upon reading the very interesting article on Michael Thurlby’s views on British farming I wholeheartedly agree that we need forward thinking ideas to feed the nation healthfully.
I believe that most people in parliament are not interested in British Farming and producing good wholesome food and as he so rightfully said we will eventually be importing most of our food which is not always produced to the high standard demanded in this country.
Maybe a lot of our illnesses can be attributed to so much processed food with so many additives added to it
We live in a productive farming area here in Lincolnshire and it should be valued .
Everybody needs to vote on July 4 and please try to make sure that whoever is in government at the end of it appreciates the British farmers by supporting them financially and talk to your new MP.
Kathleen Knipe
Hope article leads to results
I wanted to commend Katie Green on her story about neglected cemeteries. I have relatives buried at Great Gonerby Churchyard . Years ago, I wanted to mow around gravestones and was told only council crews could do that. They came out and did a great job for years. I hope they will take a more active concern in this.
Thanks to all who are taking an interest in this.
Name and address supplied
Grateful to you all
I am a 91 year old resident from a village near Grantham and I was recently admitted to Grantham Hospital with a nasty infection. I was overwhelmed by the medical expertise, and attention by the medical staff at the hospital in the Harrowby ward and admission. I wish to pass on my thanks to those who cared for me, throughout staff including the nursing team and doctors were cheerful and nothing was too much trouble.
I left the hospital in much better health, thanks to the wonderful care and medication, and as always I am supported in my medical care by Ancaster and Caythorpe Medical Practice.
I am particularly appreciative of our great local hospital in Grantham and NHS facilities and the volunteers, staff who have worked hard supporting the hospital including our local MP Gareth Davies.
Thank you again.
Joan Hayes
We need more facilities
I have seen in last week’s paper planning for another 240 housing. Is this on top of the 4000 plus going up in Grantham? If it is, we need more doctors, NHS dentists, schools and even possibly an extension to Grantham Hospital.
Name and address supplied
Vowels can inspire questions
As Tony Blair once said before his election, it's all about "Education, Education, Education" and probably with Grantham, could well be true this time. With it's private and grammar schools being so vulnerable if Labour decides to pursue their class war policies voters should be very careful this time if they want these quality education colleges and schools to survive when their tax and charity regimes are changed.
Also if any candidates knock on your door, Labour or Conservative, I'd choose one of our grammar school's five vowels (A E I O U ), if you want a serious question check-list:
A: Armed Forces depletion.
E: Education.
I: Immigration, it's national harm.
O: Operations waiting lists.
U: Union Power, back to the seventies.
And of course, the" Elephant in the Room" question, Brexit, which they just never will discuss.
Rod Hatherill
Lodge Way, Grantham