Four more pitches will be added to a Traveller site in Holbeach - after residents asked for extra space to welcome family members.
A ‘sensitive’ plan to establish a dog training centre at a rural location has been put on ice after councillors demanded more information.
Plans for 120 homes and a village hall were given the green light by councillors.
The amphibious vehicle unearthed last week after being buried for more than 70 years could go on display in a museum.
An investigation into the 'unsafe' dip in the road at Park Road in Spalding is set to take place today.
Voters in South Holland are heading to the polls today to choose their county councillors - and to pick the figurehead of the police force.
Five candidates are fighting for the position of Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner, which goes to the public vote on tomorrow (Thursday).
Council planners have rejected a bid to turn a village pub into housing.
Crane chicks which were born in a South Holland nature reserve have sadly died.
A busy Spalding road has had to shut after a dip made it 'unsafe for traffic'.
Police are appealing for witnesses to a burglary at Spalding Grammar School.
Spalding is still in line to get full-fibre broadband from Openreach - as well as from a recently-announced project.
Concerned villagers are being urged to pick up a speed gun to help get on top of traffic issues in our area.
Council bosses in South Holland are setting themselves a four week deadline to find a new partner for a shared management arrangement.
Better broadband connections will help South Holland to attract new businesses, according to a key industry body.
A leading councillor says its vital to build new infrastructure so that South Holland is able to cope with new housing developments.
Bosses behind a new full-fibre broadband rollout say their scheme could put an end to frustrations for internet users.
Three conservation areas in our area are classed as ‘at risk’ by Historic England. Here we explore the current state of play.
A series of masts could help to spread wireless internet connections to businesses and homes right across South Holland.
Police have vowed that we live in a ‘safe county with a low crime rate’ - after figures demonstrated the low officer numbers serving our area.