Plans for two 5G masts were tonight rejected by councillors.
More appointments are now be available at Spalding tip - but residents are being urged to turn up when they save a slot.
Heavy traffic on the A16 this afternoon is being caused by temporary lights.
Villagers may have to wait a couple more years before they can finally welcome Matthew Flinders ‘home’.
Police are issuing crime prevention advice to residents after reports of scam salesmen.
Motorists are being urged to get behind a new campaign that aims to make speeding ‘socially unacceptable’.
A passionate history buff wants to build a memorial to the aircraft that crashed in our area during the Second World War.
Police say they would welcome tough new rules to clamp down on drink-driving – and admit they now have fewer officers to carry out breath tests.
A concerned councillor has vowed to clamp down on anyone selling booze to a gang of youths who are making residents’ lives a misery.
Tourism bosses say that 2021 could be a ‘bumper year’ for south Lincolnshire – with people looking to book breaks closer to home.
Coastguard rescue officers were called out to boat stuck in The Wash late last night.
Voters now know who will be asking for their votes in the county council elections in May.
A wooden footbridge that crosses the Vernatt's Drain has been closed after vandals broke off a handrail.
Spalding Parish Church has opened up a book of condolence for Prince Philip - and will be open later this evening.
The location of South Holland's Covid test site has been revealed.
MP Sir John Hayes paid tribute to Prince Philip's 'sparkle and wry sense of humour'.
New figures show South Holland's council funding was slashed by more than 40% in the last six years.
Fire crews were called out to two incidents at properties in Spalding this afternoon.
Readers will be able to return to some of the area's libraries from Monday.
Patients in the area are now being told when they will receive the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine.