An 'amphibious vehicle' that has been buried under the ground in Crowland for more than 70 years has been unearthed.
Organisations are being urged to bid for a ‘levelling up’ fund – even though our area is not seen by the Government as a priority.
Three new schemes to provide affordable housing have been given the green light by senior councillors.
Food ordering app Uber Eats has launched in Spalding today - and is offering residents chance to get McDonald's food delivered to their homes.
A Pinchbeck road could be shut for a week while Anglian Water carries out repairs.
A new Lego shop has opened within a toy store at Springfields.
A continental culture of outdoor food and drink could help Spalding to recover from the pandemic, according to a councillor.
The drive-thru at Spalding's McDonald's restaurant is currently closed.
South Lincolnshire could finally be stepping out of the broadband slow lane - with two separate schemes due to drastically boost speeds for users.
Deliveroo is set to launch here in the next couple of months.
Police want to hear from anyone who might have seen a white Audi A6 'keyed' near McDonald's on Sunday.
A county council candidate was ‘distraught’ when it emerged that the stamps he had used to post out his election leaflets were fakes.
Controversial plans to cut town centre parking in Spalding are still ‘only options’ according to assurances received by the town’s MP.
Princes was accused of not being a ‘good neighbour’ – as councillors finally agreed a compromise over an ‘acoustic barrier’ at its factory.
The five contenders fighting to be the figurehead of our police force have reacted to facts which lay bare the number of officers serving our area.
Campaigners say it’s time south Lincolnshire got a fairer share of funding for bus services – and argue we have to plan now for the future.
Planners, highways chiefs and the water board need to be tougher on new housing proposals - according to the MP and concerned councillors.
The five contenders fighting to be the figurehead of our police force have reacted to facts which lay bare the number of officers serving our area.
South Holland has one of the lowest levels of police manpower in the country, according to new figures.
Residents in five of our area's towns will get access to gigabit broadband as a new company has revealed plans to roll-out fast internet connections.