A three-vehicle collision has caused the A1 to be blocked, leading to “severe delays”.
A mother of two is raising funds to combat a condition that is ‘killing’ her.
A Grantham car dealership has been recognised with an industry leader award.
A council has apologised to residents of a block of flats, as issues with the heating system continue.
A woman who made tea and sandwiches for the soldiers coming back from Dunkirk has turned 100.
Firefighters visited a care home to give residents a close-up look at a fire engine and some of their equipment.
A new scheme to reduce parent parking on a road with multiple schools has so far “proved useful”.
A man has been released on bail following the death of another man, as enquiries continue.
Councillors visited a recycling facility ahead of the roll out of a new purple-lidded recycling bin.
Councillors visited a recycling facility ahead of the roll out of a new purple-lidded recycling bin.
A letter written to the Journal in 2022 has helped to reunite more long-lost relatives on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
More than 240 people from 31 nations attended an event to celebrate different cultures.
A mayor helped to plant a wild service tree which produces ‘chequers’ fruit.
A mother will soon release her second children’s book, inspired by the imagination of her two sons.
A school has relaunched its annual toy bank in a new town centre location.
A primary school has noted its delight after being rated ‘good’ by Ofsted following an inspection.
A popular Christmas tree festival kicked off with a parade through Grantham.
An 18-year-old was stopped by police and arrested on suspicion of drug driving.
A peace demonstration calling for an end to the conflict in Gaza has been planned in Grantham town centre.
A Grantham care home was treated to an exhibition by a local artist.