Snow has covered fields and gardens this morning across the area - but fortunately not paths and roads.
A mum and son died after their car was trapped underwater.
More than 40 people gathered at an event to mark Fairtrade Fortnight.
Virgin Media has told customers their bills are set to rise 13.8% in May - but we managed to negate the hike and even saved cash too.
The Met Office's yellow weather warning covers the area although sleet is forecast.
Sitting on a good-sized plot on one of the most desirable roads in Oakham is this detached family home.
A concerned resident has written a letter about the lack of police funding for the area.
A range of stories from up to 200 years ago feature in this week's Mercury Memories.
Events, shows and activities to keep you entertained.
Police who saw two vehicles travelling at speed close to each other found one driver to be more than twice the alcohol limit.
A landlord left a disabled resident with a rat infestation which caused maggots to drop from their kitchen ceiling.
A fully renovated four bedroom house has gone on the market.
The organisers of a performance have thanked visitors for their incredible support.
A supermarket giant has confirmed a major change in its stores from this weekend.
A driver accused of injuring a cyclist by careless driving has appeared in court for a second time.
Community groups and town and parish councils can apply for 'levelling up' money given to the region.
An outbreak of hepatitis and scrapping a multi-million pound hovertrain project, are featured in Mercury Memories.
In our letter of the week, a man voices concerns over taxi drivers in Broad Street, Stamford.
A leisure centre is highlighting the importance of children learning to swim.
Three Counties Dog Rescue in Bourne is looking for a home for Sully.