Our NHS services spend more than £150 million on prescription medication for just over 800,000 people — prescribing an average of 27 items per person.
A football club will be able to offer better coverage for fans after getting approval for a new TV gantry.
A new housing development near an RAF base has been approved.
The Labour Government’s planning reforms aim to spark a house-building boom, but councillors fear their rural landscape will be targeted.
Business owners are frustrated at the impact of pedestrianisation works in their town centre.
A £2 million roadworks project has finished months ahead of schedule.
A council has pledged to do “the best we can with the money we’ve got” to repair potholes.
Plans for an electric vehicle charge point car park have been approved.
A Just Stop Oil protester who was arrested during peaceful demonstrations last year has criticised the “framing” of recent riots across the country.
A police boss says the force has “plans in place” should riots break out in the county after officers were deployed to Rotherham.
Britain’s “greenest energy supplier” has been granted approval for a new solar farm next to existing wind and solar farms off the coast.
Patients are being told there will be ‘some disruption to services’ after county GPs announce they are taking ‘collective action’.
A planning application has been submitted to convert a former RAF base and private school into eight self-contained apartments.
As Lincolnshire’s pensioner population continues to soar, so do fears of long term health conditions, and strains on the local health sector.
Three people have been arrested as part of an investigation into a burial of ashes even though the ashes couldn’t be located.
The future of a bridge that has been closed for over four months due to “safety reasons” appears to be hanging in the balance.
Children in the care system are waiting 18 months on average to move in with adoptive families, almost two months longer than the target.
A council leader has celebrated and congratulated the continuation of the Spalding Flower Parade, calling the annual event ‘part of our heritage’.
There has been a significant increase in demand for autism services in Lincolnshire due to heightened awareness and publicity around neurodiversity.
Five years since the red carpet was rolled out on £4 million cinema plans, people are still waiting for the curtain to rise.