A busy village road is partially blocked after a crash this evening.
A bold vision to give Spalding a new identity has been unveiled in a bid to revive the town centre’s fortunes.
What role should Springfields play in the future of Spalding town centre? Readers have their say...
The South Holland Centre ended up costing £124,000 more than budgeted last year – with falling film ticket sales partly to blame.
Police are hunting for a 16-year-old boy who is wanted in connection with a stabbing attack.
An 18-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after an incident in which a man in his 40s suffered multiple stab wounds.
Bosses at Springfields have vowed to help boost Spalding town centre - with the prospect of joint events to breathe new life into the high street.
Springfields bosses vowed that their centre can be an asset for Spalding in the fight to revive its fortunes.
Plans for a new warehouse have been given approval from the council.
Motorists experienced heavier than usual traffic heading into Spalding this morning as the result of a broken down vehicle.
The hunt is on for a South Holland lottery winner who has yet not claimed a £10k-a-month-for-30-years prize.
Details of a six-week ‘large improvement scheme’ have been revealed for a busy town centre junction.
Construction work on the new-look Castle Sports Complex is due to start in a year - with council bosses hoping inflation doesn’t hamper the plans.
A major overhaul of the political map is looming - but South Holland’s leader has vowed to push for a deal that doesn’t sideline our area.
Council leader Nick Worth says his new leadership team is having a ‘reset’.
Council chiefs are trying to woo businesses and investors into South Holland.
A village route will have to shut for six weeks as part works on the Spalding Western Relief Road.
A plan to boost South Holland’s markets has been unveiled - with council bosses looking to purchase new stalls to kick start a new era.
Highways chiefs have again closed a busy town road that has been dogged by issues in recent years.
A town shop has been forced to close by the courts after it was found to be selling illegal cigarettes.